Crystal Stones
Origins and attributes
Crystal stones are formed from minerals in the ground that have consolidated over thousands, sometimes millions of years. The colour and the type of crystal depend on the geolocation of where they are found. There is a serendipity of how nature collates the right elements, in the right place at the right time and what emerges is the raw stone awaiting polishing and cutting into a form. The beauty of these crystals has captivated people for thousands of years.
Our ancestors were as attracted in ancient times as we are today by the colours and mesmerising elements present in natural crystals. The study and attribution of special powers to crystals took hold most recently in the 1960’s as a ‘New Age’ spiritual awakening, but it was not a new phenomenon, simply a return to a spiritual connection with crystals that was found in many ancient traditions including the Egyptians, the Romans, the Greeks and in India.
Whether you regard crystals as objects that adorn as ornaments, or you regard them as conduits of energy for the spiritual welfare of life and the planet, it is impossible to remain unmoved by their beauty. Celia assembles the beauty of these stones in vertical harmony in her TOTEM sculpture collection.
Spiritual and Healing attributes
It protects against the negativity and misfortunes of this world, and provides safe exploration into alternate levels of consciousness .
The main source for labradorite is Paul Island in Labrador, Canada. It has also been reported to be found in Norway and Finland. The natives of Labrador have been worshipping this stone since the dark ages and folklore attribute energy from the Aurora Borealis as trapped within the stone.
Labradorite can display a remarkable optical effect known as labradorescence or schiller (an old German word meaning, twinkle or play-of-colour). It can be found in a whole rainbow of colours including blues, greens, yellows and reds.
Spiritual and Healing attributes
Known as the Stone of Truth and the Stone of Courage, Amazonite empowers the self to search and discover one’s own truths and integrity. It is connected with the heart and throat chakra and it is also a stone of abundance.
Amazonite is predominantly found in Southern African countries, the Americas and Russia. It acquired the name Amazonite after the Amazon River and the synergy of colours between the stone and the river.
These stones are of mainly green, blue and turquoise hues, Russian amazonite has a brown hue.
Spiritual and Healing attributes
Known as a stone of motivation and endurance, leadership and courage, Carnelians have protected and inspired throughout history in many cultures. The ancient Egyptians called Carnelian "the setting sun." Carnelian brings us joy and friendship. Joy is a pure emotion, an elusive one, but a heartfelt one. If something seems to be missing but you can’t really describe it, perhaps a bit of orange mixed in your daily life is needed.
It is most commonly found in Indonesia, Brazil, India, Russia (Siberia) and Germany and was used extensively for jewellery and amulets in ancient times.
Iron impurities give Carelian it’s orange hue, this ranges from the lightest almost golden hue to a deep red hue.
Ruby Fuchsite
Spiritual and Healing attributes
Ruby is to be carried or worn to provide a focus for the Universal Life Force to enter your spirit. It will aid you in finding new paths in life, giving you the energy you need to walk those paths.
Mostly originated in Brazil and was named after Johann Fuchs, a German mineralogist. It has also been found in regions such as India, Russia and South Africa.
The green rock is the Fuchsite, and the red is red Corundum. When transparent, red Corundum is the red gem known as Ruby, but when it is opaque it still retains the wonderful energy of the ruby, but is much more affordable. These stones contain real ruby which is opaque, still in the Fuchsite in which it formed naturally.
Spiritual and Healing attributes
Apatite is known for its positive use of personal power to achieve goals. It clears away confusion, apathy or negativity, then, stimulates the intellect to expand knowledge and truth.
Major sources for the crystal gem apatite are Brazil, North America, Madagascar, Myanmar and Mexico.
These stones come in blue and yellow (rare) hues but can also be found in violet, purple, red brown, grey and white.
Rose Quartz
Spiritual and Healing attributes
Rose Quartz is a stone of the heart, a Crystal of Unconditional Love. It speaks directly to the Heart Chakra, dissolving emotional wounds, fears and resentments. It provides a strong sense of personal fulfillment and contentment, allowing one the capacity to truly give and receive love from others.
Rose Quartz is found in abundance around the world and occurs only in massive form, with no crystal faces, edges or terminations. It has been used for adornment back to ancient times and beads of quartz have been found in tombs dated 7000BC.
Rose Quartz, with its soft pink colour, ranges from a light translucent almost ‘milky’ appearance to deep ‘cotton candy’ pink.
Polychrome Jasper
Spiritual and Healing attributes
Polychrome Jasper is a healing stone that signifies being true to yourself, embracing life enthusiastically, honoring limitations, as well as a fiery energy, which assists with action and courage.
The crystal gemstone was first found on the northwest coast of Madagascar in 2008. It is also known as ‘Desert Jasper’.
Mainly hues of red, brown and tan
Tiger’s Eye
Spiritual and Healing attributes
Tiger’s eye is a popular protective stone and particularly it’s effective energies for healing. It is said to be a stone of confidence often used by travellers. It is believed that asthmatics should carry a tiger’s eye gemstone. Tiger’s eye stones are also helpful in the case of headaches and migraines.
The two most important sources of Tiger’s eye gemstones today are Thailand and the Northern Cape province of South Africa. It is found in the form of slabs. Other regions include Sri Lanka, India, Australia, Canada and Brazil.
Tiger's eye is an opaque gemstone multicolored with golden brown, black with stripes and wavy patterns.